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# Nuklear
## Contents
1. About section
2. Highlights section
3. Features section
4. Usage section
1. Flags section
2. Constants section
3. Dependencies section
5. Example section
6. License section
7. Changelog section
8. Gallery section
9. Credits section
## About
This is a minimal state immediate mode graphical user interface toolkit
written in ANSI C and licensed under public domain. It was designed as a simple
embeddable user interface for application and does not have any dependencies,
a default renderbackend or OS window and input handling but instead provides a very modular
library approach by using simple input state for input and draw
commands describing primitive shapes as output. So instead of providing a
layered library that tries to abstract over a number of platform and
render backends it only focuses on the actual UI.
## Highlights
- Graphical user interface toolkit
- Single header library
- Written in C89 (a.k.a. ANSI C or ISO C90)
- Small codebase (~18kLOC)
- Focus on portability, efficiency and simplicity
- No dependencies (not even the standard library if not wanted)
- Fully skinnable and customizable
- Low memory footprint with total memory control if needed or wanted
- UTF-8 support
- No global or hidden state
- Customizable library modules (you can compile and use only what you need)
- Optional font baker and vertex buffer output
## Features
- Absolutely no platform dependent code
- Memory management control ranging from/to
- Ease of use by allocating everything from standard library
- Control every byte of memory inside the library
- Font handling control ranging from/to
- Use your own font implementation for everything
- Use this libraries internal font baking and handling API
- Drawing output control ranging from/to
- Simple shapes for more high level APIs which already have drawing capabilities
- Hardware accessible anti-aliased vertex buffer output
- Customizable colors and properties ranging from/to
- Simple changes to color by filling a simple color table
- Complete control with ability to use skinning to decorate widgets
- Bendable UI library with widget ranging from/to
- Basic widgets like buttons, checkboxes, slider, ...
- Advanced widget like abstract comboboxes, contextual menus,...
- Compile time configuration to only compile what you need
- Subset which can be used if you do not want to link or use the standard library
- Can be easily modified to only update on user input instead of frame updates
## Usage
This library is self contained in one single header file and can be used either
in header only mode or in implementation mode. The header only mode is used
by default when included and allows including this header in other headers
and does not contain the actual implementation. <br /><br />
The implementation mode requires to define the preprocessor macro
NK_IMPLEMENTATION in *one* .c/.cpp file before #includeing this file, e.g.:
#include "nuklear.h"
Also optionally define the symbols listed in the section "OPTIONAL DEFINES"
below in header and implementation mode if you want to use additional functionality
or need more control over the library.
Every time nuklear is included define the same compiler flags. This very important not doing so could lead to compiler errors or even worse stack corruptions.
### Flags
Flag | Description
NK_PRIVATE | If defined declares all functions as static, so they can only be accessed inside the file that contains the implementation
NK_INCLUDE_FIXED_TYPES | If defined it will include header `<stdint.h>` for fixed sized types otherwise nuklear tries to select the correct type. If that fails it will throw a compiler error and you have to select the correct types yourself.
NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR | if defined it will include header `<stdlib.h>` and provide additional functions to use this library without caring for memory allocation control and therefore ease memory management.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO | if defined it will include header `<stdio.h>` and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS | if defined it will include header <stdio.h> and provide additional functions depending on file loading.
NK_INCLUDE_VERTEX_BUFFER_OUTPUT | Defining this adds a vertex draw command list backend to this library, which allows you to convert queue commands into vertex draw commands. This is mainly if you need a hardware accessible format for OpenGL, DirectX, Vulkan, Metal,...
NK_INCLUDE_FONT_BAKING | Defining this adds `stb_truetype` and `stb_rect_pack` implementation to this library and provides font baking and rendering. If you already have font handling or do not want to use this font handler you don't have to define it.
NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_FONT | Defining this adds the default font: ProggyClean.ttf into this library which can be loaded into a font atlas and allows using this library without having a truetype font
NK_INCLUDE_COMMAND_USERDATA | Defining this adds a userdata pointer into each command. Can be useful for example if you want to provide custom shaders depending on the used widget. Can be combined with the style structures.
NK_BUTTON_TRIGGER_ON_RELEASE | Different platforms require button clicks occurring either on buttons being pressed (up to down) or released (down to up). By default this library will react on buttons being pressed, but if you define this it will only trigger if a button is released.
NK_ZERO_COMMAND_MEMORY | Defining this will zero out memory for each drawing command added to a drawing queue (inside nk_command_buffer_push). Zeroing command memory is very useful for fast checking (using memcmp) if command buffers are equal and avoid drawing frames when nothing on screen has changed since previous frame.
The following flags will pull in the standard C library:
The following flags if defined need to be defined for both header and implementation:
### Constants
Define | Description
NK_BUFFER_DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE | Initial buffer size allocated by all buffers while using the default allocator functions included by defining NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR. If you don't want to allocate the default 4k memory then redefine it.
NK_MAX_NUMBER_BUFFER | Maximum buffer size for the conversion buffer between float and string Under normal circumstances this should be more than sufficient.
NK_INPUT_MAX | Defines the max number of bytes which can be added as text input in one frame. Under normal circumstances this should be more than sufficient.
The following constants if defined need to be defined for both header and implementation:
### Dependencies
Function | Description
NK_ASSERT | If you don't define this, nuklear will use <assert.h> with assert().
NK_MEMSET | You can define this to 'memset' or your own memset implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
NK_MEMCPY | You can define this to 'memcpy' or your own memcpy implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own version.
NK_SQRT | You can define this to 'sqrt' or your own sqrt implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own slow and not highly accurate version.
NK_SIN | You can define this to 'sinf' or your own sine implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own approximation implementation.
NK_COS | You can define this to 'cosf' or your own cosine implementation replacement. If not nuklear will use its own approximation implementation.
NK_STRTOD | You can define this to `strtod` or your own string to double conversion implementation replacement. If not defined nuklear will use its own imprecise and possibly unsafe version (does not handle nan or infinity!).
NK_DTOA | You can define this to `dtoa` or your own double to string conversion implementation replacement. If not defined nuklear will use its own imprecise and possibly unsafe version (does not handle nan or infinity!).
NK_VSNPRINTF | If you define `NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS` as well as `NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO` and want to be safe define this to `vsnprintf` on compilers supporting later versions of C or C++. By default nuklear will check for your stdlib version in C as well as compiler version in C++. if `vsnprintf` is available it will define it to `vsnprintf` directly. If not defined and if you have older versions of C or C++ it will be defined to `vsprintf` which is unsafe.
The following dependencies will pull in the standard C library if not redefined:
The following dependencies if defined need to be defined for both header and implementation:
The following dependencies if defined need to be defined only for the implementation part:
## Example
// init gui state
enum {EASY, HARD};
static int op = EASY;
static float value = 0.6f;
static int i = 20;
struct nk_context ctx;
nk_init_fixed(&ctx, calloc(1, MAX_MEMORY), MAX_MEMORY, &font);
if (nk_begin(&ctx, "Show", nk_rect(50, 50, 220, 220),
// fixed widget pixel width
nk_layout_row_static(&ctx, 30, 80, 1);
if (nk_button_label(&ctx, "button")) {
// event handling
// fixed widget window ratio width
nk_layout_row_dynamic(&ctx, 30, 2);
if (nk_option_label(&ctx, "easy", op == EASY)) op = EASY;
if (nk_option_label(&ctx, "hard", op == HARD)) op = HARD;
// custom widget pixel width
nk_layout_row_begin(&ctx, NK_STATIC, 30, 2);
nk_layout_row_push(&ctx, 50);
nk_label(&ctx, "Volume:", NK_TEXT_LEFT);
nk_layout_row_push(&ctx, 110);
nk_slider_float(&ctx, 0, &value, 1.0f, 0.1f);
scores --------- */
-XXX.XXX- X...X - X...X -X....X - X....X"
Offset --*/
## License
This software is available under 2 licenses -- choose whichever you prefer.
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Micha Mettke
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
ALTERNATIVE B - Public Domain (
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this
software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose,
commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this
software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public
domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to
the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an
overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to
this software under copyright law.
## Changelog
-[date]: date on which the change has been pushed
-[x.yy.zz]: Numerical version string representation. Each version number on the right
resets back to zero if version on the left is incremented.
- [x]: Major version with API and library breaking
- [yy]: Minor version with non-breaking API and library changes
- [zz]: Bug fix version with no direct changes to API
- 2017/01/05 (3.00.0) - BREAKING CHANGE: The previous color picker API was broken
because of conversions between float and byte color representation.
Color pickers now use floating point values to represent
HSV values. To get back the old behavior I added some additional
color conversion functions to cast between nk_color and
- 2017/12/23 (2.00.7) - Fixed small warning
- 2017/12/23 (2.00.7) - Fixed nk_edit_buffer behavior if activated to allow input
- 2017/12/23 (2.00.7) - Fixed modifyable progressbar dragging visuals and input behavior
- 2017/12/04 (2.00.6) - Added formated string tooltip widget
- 2017/11/18 (2.00.5) - Fixed window becoming hidden with flag NK_WINDOW_NO_INPUT
- 2017/11/15 (2.00.4) - Fixed font merging
- 2017/11/07 (2.00.3) - Fixed window size and position modifier functions
- 2017/09/14 (2.00.2) - Fixed nk_edit_buffer and nk_edit_focus behavior
- 2017/09/14 (2.00.1) - Fixed window closing behavior
- 2017/09/14 (2.00.0) - BREAKING CHANGE: Modifing window position and size funtions now
require the name of the window and must happen outside the window
building process (between function call nk_begin and nk_end).
- 2017/09/11 (1.40.9) - Fixed window background flag if background window is declared last
- 2017/08/27 (1.40.8) - Fixed `nk_item_is_any_active` for hidden windows
- 2017/08/27 (1.40.7) - Fixed window background flag
- 2017/07/07 (1.40.6) - Fixed missing clipping rect check for hovering/clicked
query for widgets
- 2017/07/07 (1.40.5) - Fixed drawing bug for vertex output for lines and stroked
and filled rectangles
- 2017/07/07 (1.40.4) - Fixed bug in nk_convert trying to add windows that are in
process of being destroyed.
- 2017/07/07 (1.40.3) - Fixed table internal bug caused by storing table size in
window instead of directly in table.
- 2017/06/30 (1.40.2) - Removed unneeded semicolon in C++ NK_ALIGNOF macro
- 2017/06/30 (1.40.1) - Fixed drawing lines smaller or equal zero
- 2017/06/08 (1.40.0) - Removed the breaking part of last commit. Auto layout now only
comes in effect if you pass in zero was row height argument
- 2017/06/08 (1.40.0) - BREAKING CHANGE: while not directly API breaking it will change
how layouting works. From now there will be an internal minimum
row height derived from font height. If you need a row smaller than
that you can directly set it by `nk_layout_set_min_row_height` and
reset the value back by calling `nk_layout_reset_min_row_height.
- 2017/06/08 (1.39.1) - Fixed property text edit handling bug caused by past `nk_widget` fix
- 2017/06/08 (1.39.0) - Added function to retrieve window space without calling a nk_layout_xxx function
- 2017/06/06 (1.38.5) - Fixed `nk_convert` return flag for command buffer
- 2017/05/23 (1.38.4) - Fixed activation behavior for widgets partially clipped
- 2017/05/10 (1.38.3) - Fixed wrong min window size mouse scaling over boundries
- 2017/05/09 (1.38.2) - Fixed vertical scrollbar drawing with not enough space
- 2017/05/09 (1.38.1) - Fixed scaler dragging behavior if window size hits minimum size
- 2017/05/06 (1.38.0) - Added platform double-click support
- 2017/04/20 (1.37.1) - Fixed key repeat found inside glfw demo backends
- 2017/04/20 (1.37.0) - Extended properties with selection and clipbard support
- 2017/04/20 (1.36.2) - Fixed #405 overlapping rows with zero padding and spacing
- 2017/04/09 (1.36.1) - Fixed #403 with another widget float error
- 2017/04/09 (1.36.0) - Added window `NK_WINDOW_NO_INPUT` and `NK_WINDOW_NOT_INTERACTIVE` flags
- 2017/04/09 (1.35.3) - Fixed buffer heap corruption
- 2017/03/25 (1.35.2) - Fixed popup overlapping for `NK_WINDOW_BACKGROUND` windows
- 2017/03/25 (1.35.1) - Fixed windows closing behavior
- 2017/03/18 (1.35.0) - Added horizontal scroll requested in #377
- 2017/03/18 (1.34.3) - Fixed long window header titles
- 2017/03/04 (1.34.2) - Fixed text edit filtering
- 2017/03/04 (1.34.1) - Fixed group closable flag
- 2017/02/25 (1.34.0) - Added custom draw command for better language binding support
- 2017/01/24 (1.33.0) - Added programatic way of remove edit focus
- 2017/01/24 (1.32.3) - Fixed wrong define for basic type definitions for windows
- 2017/01/21 (1.32.2) - Fixed input capture from hidden or closed windows
- 2017/01/21 (1.32.1) - Fixed slider behavior and drawing
- 2017/01/13 (1.32.0) - Added flag to put scaler into the bottom left corner
- 2017/01/13 (1.31.0) - Added additional row layouting method to combine both
dynamic and static widgets.
- 2016/12/31 (1.30.0) - Extended scrollbar offset from 16-bit to 32-bit
- 2016/12/31 (1.29.2)- Fixed closing window bug of minimized windows
- 2016/12/03 (1.29.1)- Fixed wrapped text with no seperator and C89 error
- 2016/12/03 (1.29.0) - Changed text wrapping to process words not characters
- 2016/11/22 (1.28.6)- Fixed window minimized closing bug
- 2016/11/19 (1.28.5)- Fixed abstract combo box closing behavior
- 2016/11/19 (1.28.4)- Fixed tooltip flickering
- 2016/11/19 (1.28.3)- Fixed memory leak caused by popup repeated closing
- 2016/11/18 (1.28.2)- Fixed memory leak caused by popup panel allocation
- 2016/11/10 (1.28.1)- Fixed some warnings and C++ error
- 2016/11/10 (1.28.0)- Added additional `nk_button` versions which allows to directly
pass in a style struct to change buttons visual.
- 2016/11/10 (1.27.0)- Added additional 'nk_tree' versions to support external state
storage. Just like last the `nk_group` commit the main
advantage is that you optionally can minimize nuklears runtime
memory consumption or handle hash collisions.
- 2016/11/09 (1.26.0)- Added additional `nk_group` version to support external scrollbar
offset storage. Main advantage is that you can externalize
the memory management for the offset. It could also be helpful
if you have a hash collision in `nk_group_begin` but really
want the name. In addition I added `nk_list_view` which allows
to draw big lists inside a group without actually having to
commit the whole list to nuklear (issue #269).
- 2016/10/30 (1.25.1)- Fixed clipping rectangle bug inside `nk_draw_list`
- 2016/10/29 (1.25.0)- Pulled `nk_panel` memory management into nuklear and out of
the hands of the user. From now on users don't have to care
about panels unless they care about some information. If you
still need the panel just call `nk_window_get_panel`.
- 2016/10/21 (1.24.0)- Changed widget border drawing to stroked rectangle from filled
rectangle for less overdraw and widget background transparency.
- 2016/10/18 (1.23.0)- Added `nk_edit_focus` for manually edit widget focus control
- 2016/09/29 (1.22.7)- Fixed deduction of basic type in non `<stdint.h>` compilation
- 2016/09/29 (1.22.6)- Fixed edit widget UTF-8 text cursor drawing bug
- 2016/09/28 (1.22.5)- Fixed edit widget UTF-8 text appending/inserting/removing
- 2016/09/28 (1.22.4)- Fixed drawing bug inside edit widgets which offset all text
text in every edit widget if one of them is scrolled.
- 2016/09/28 (1.22.3)- Fixed small bug in edit widgets if not active. The wrong
text length is passed. It should have been in bytes but
was passed as glyphes.
- 2016/09/20 (1.22.2)- Fixed color button size calculation
- 2016/09/20 (1.22.1)- Fixed some `nk_vsnprintf` behavior bugs and removed
`<stdio.h>` again from `NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS`.
- 2016/09/18 (1.22.0)- C89 does not support vsnprintf only C99 and newer as well
as C++11 and newer. In addition to use vsnprintf you have
to include <stdio.h>. So just defining `NK_INCLUDE_STD_VAR_ARGS`
is not enough. That behavior is now fixed. By default if
both varargs as well as stdio is selected I try to use
vsnprintf if not possible I will revert to vsprintf. If
varargs but not stdio was defined I will use my own function.
- 2016/09/15 (1.21.2)- Fixed panel `close` behavior for deeper panel levels
- 2016/09/15 (1.21.1)- Fixed C++ errors and wrong argument to `nk_panel_get_xxxx`
- 2016/09/13 (1.21.0) - !BREAKING! Fixed nonblocking popup behavior in menu, combo,
and contextual which prevented closing in y-direction if
popup did not reach max height.
In addition the height parameter was changed into vec2
for width and height to have more control over the popup size.
- 2016/09/13 (1.20.3) - Cleaned up and extended type selection
- 2016/09/13 (1.20.2)- Fixed slider behavior hopefully for the last time. This time
all calculation are correct so no more hackery.
- 2016/09/13 (1.20.1)- Internal change to divide window/panel flags into panel flags and types.
Suprisinly spend years in C and still happened to confuse types
with flags. Probably something to take note.
- 2016/09/08 (1.20.0)- Added additional helper function to make it easier to just
take the produced buffers from `nk_convert` and unplug the
iteration process from `nk_context`. So now you can
just use the vertex,element and command buffer + two pointer
inside the command buffer retrieved by calls `nk__draw_begin`
and `nk__draw_end` and macro `nk_draw_foreach_bounded`.
- 2016/09/08 (1.19.0)- Added additional asserts to make sure every `nk_xxx_begin` call
for windows, popups, combobox, menu and contextual is guarded by
`if` condition and does not produce false drawing output.
- 2016/09/08 (1.18.0)- Changed confusing name for `NK_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED`, `NK_SYMBOL_RECT`
to hopefully easier to understand `NK_SYMBOL_RECT_FILLED` and
- 2016/09/08 (1.17.0)- Changed confusing name for `NK_SYMBOL_CIRLCE_FILLED`, `NK_SYMBOL_CIRCLE`
to hopefully easier to understand `NK_SYMBOL_CIRCLE_FILLED` and
- 2016/09/08 (1.16.0)- Added additional checks to select correct types if `NK_INCLUDE_FIXED_TYPES`
is not defined by supporting the biggest compiler GCC, clang and MSVC.
- 2016/09/07 (1.15.3)- Fixed `NK_INCLUDE_COMMAND_USERDATA` define to not cause an error
- 2016/09/04 (1.15.2)- Fixed wrong combobox height calculation
- 2016/09/03 (1.15.1)- Fixed gaps inside combo boxes in OpenGL
- 2016/09/02 (1.15.0) - Changed nuklear to not have any default vertex layout and
instead made it user provided. The range of types to convert
to is quite limited at the moment, but I would be more than
happy to accept PRs to add additional.
- 2016/08/30 (1.14.2) - Removed unused variables
- 2016/08/30 (1.14.1) - Fixed C++ build errors
- 2016/08/30 (1.14.0) - Removed mouse dragging from SDL demo since it does not work correctly
- 2016/08/30 (1.13.4) - Tweaked some default styling variables
- 2016/08/30 (1.13.3) - Hopefully fixed drawing bug in slider, in general I would
refrain from using slider with a big number of steps.
- 2016/08/30 (1.13.2) - Fixed close and minimize button which would fire even if the
window was in Read Only Mode.
- 2016/08/30 (1.13.1) - Fixed popup panel padding handling which was previously just
a hack for combo box and menu.
- 2016/08/30 (1.13.0) - Removed `NK_WINDOW_DYNAMIC` flag from public API since
it is bugged and causes issues in window selection.
- 2016/08/30 (1.12.0) - Removed scaler size. The size of the scaler is now
determined by the scrollbar size
- 2016/08/30 (1.11.2) - Fixed some drawing bugs caused by changes from 1.11
- 2016/08/30 (1.11.1) - Fixed overlapping minimized window selection
- 2016/08/30 (1.11.0) - Removed some internal complexity and overly complex code
handling panel padding and panel border.
- 2016/08/29 (1.10.0) - Added additional height parameter to `nk_combobox_xxx`
- 2016/08/29 (1.10.0) - Fixed drawing bug in dynamic popups
- 2016/08/29 (1.10.0) - Added experimental mouse scrolling to popups, menus and comboboxes
- 2016/08/26 (1.10.0) - Added window name string prepresentation to account for
hash collisions. Currently limited to NK_WINDOW_MAX_NAME
which in term can be redefined if not big enough.
- 2016/08/26 (1.10.0) - Added stacks for temporary style/UI changes in code
- 2016/08/25 (1.10.0) - Changed `nk_input_is_key_pressed` and 'nk_input_is_key_released'
to account for key press and release happening in one frame.
- 2016/08/25 (1.10.0) - Added additional nk_edit flag to directly jump to the end on activate
- 2016/08/17 (1.09.6)- Removed invalid check for value zero in nk_propertyx
- 2016/08/16 (1.09.5)- Fixed ROM mode for deeper levels of popup windows parents.
- 2016/08/15 (1.09.4)- Editbox are now still active if enter was pressed with flag
`NK_EDIT_SIG_ENTER`. Main reasoning is to be able to keep
typing after commiting.
- 2016/08/15 (1.09.4)- Removed redundant code
- 2016/08/15 (1.09.4)- Fixed negative numbers in `nk_strtoi` and remove unused variable
- 2016/08/15 (1.09.3)- Fixed `NK_WINDOW_BACKGROUND` flag behavior to select a background
window only as selected by hovering and not by clicking.
- 2016/08/14 (1.09.2)- Fixed a bug in font atlas which caused wrong loading
of glyphes for font with multiple ranges.
- 2016/08/12 (1.09.1)- Added additional function to check if window is currently
hidden and therefore not visible.
- 2016/08/12 (1.09.1)- nk_window_is_closed now queries the correct flag `NK_WINDOW_CLOSED`
instead of the old flag `NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN`
- 2016/08/09 (1.09.0) - Added additional double version to nk_property and changed
the underlying implementation to not cast to float and instead
work directly on the given values.
- 2016/08/09 (1.08.0) - Added additional define to overwrite library internal
floating pointer number to string conversion for additional
- 2016/08/09 (1.08.0) - Added additional define to overwrite library internal
string to floating point number conversion for additional
- 2016/08/08 (1.07.2)- Fixed compiling error without define NK_INCLUDE_FIXED_TYPE
- 2016/08/08 (1.07.1)- Fixed possible floating point error inside `nk_widget` leading
to wrong wiget width calculation which results in widgets falsly
becomming tagged as not inside window and cannot be accessed.
- 2016/08/08 (1.07.0) - Nuklear now differentiates between hiding a window (NK_WINDOW_HIDDEN) and
closing a window (NK_WINDOW_CLOSED). A window can be hidden/shown
by using `nk_window_show` and closed by either clicking the close
icon in a window or by calling `nk_window_close`. Only closed
windows get removed at the end of the frame while hidden windows
- 2016/08/08 (1.06.0) - Added `nk_edit_string_zero_terminated` as a second option to
`nk_edit_string` which takes, edits and outputs a '\0' terminated string.
- 2016/08/08 (1.05.4)- Fixed scrollbar auto hiding behavior
- 2016/08/08 (1.05.3)- Fixed wrong panel padding selection in `nk_layout_widget_space`
- 2016/08/07 (1.05.2)- Fixed old bug in dynamic immediate mode layout API, calculating
wrong item spacing and panel width.
define NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS to allow more fine
grained controlled over library includes.
- 2016/08/06 (1.04.5)- Changed memset calls to NK_MEMSET
- 2016/08/04 (1.04.4)- Fixed fast window scaling behavior
- 2016/08/04 (1.04.3)- Fixed window scaling, movement bug which appears if you
move/scale a window and another window is behind it.
If you are fast enough then the window behind gets activated
and the operation is blocked. I now require activating
by hovering only if mouse is not pressed.
- 2016/08/04 (1.04.2)- Fixed changing fonts
- 2016/08/03 (1.04.1)- Fixed `NK_WINDOW_BACKGROUND` behavior
- 2016/08/03 (1.04.0) - Added color parameter to `nk_draw_image`
- 2016/08/03 (1.04.0) - Added additional window padding style attributes for
sub windows (combo, menu, ...)
- 2016/08/03 (1.04.0) - Added functions to show/hide software cursor
- 2016/08/03 (1.04.0) - Added `NK_WINDOW_BACKGROUND` flag to force a window
to be always in the background of the screen
- 2016/08/03 (1.03.2)- Removed invalid assert macro for NK_RGB color picker
- 2016/08/01 (1.03.1)- Added helper macros into header include guard
- 2016/07/29 (1.03.0) - Moved the window/table pool into the header part to
simplify memory management by removing the need to
allocate the pool.
- 2016/07/29 (1.02.0) - Added auto scrollbar hiding window flag which if enabled
will hide the window scrollbar after NK_SCROLLBAR_HIDING_TIMEOUT
seconds without window interaction. To make it work
you have to also set a delta time inside the `nk_context`.
- 2016/07/25 (1.01.1) - Fixed small panel and panel border drawing bugs
- 2016/07/15 (1.01.0) - Added software cursor to `nk_style` and `nk_context`
- 2016/07/15 (1.01.0) - Added const correctness to `nk_buffer_push' data argument
- 2016/07/15 (1.01.0) - Removed internal font baking API and simplified
font atlas memory management by converting pointer
arrays for fonts and font configurations to lists.
- 2016/07/15 (1.00.0) - Changed button API to use context dependend button
behavior instead of passing it for every function call.
## Gallery
![Figure [blue]: Feature overview with blue color styling](
![Figure [red]: Feature overview with red color styling](
![Figure [widgets]: Widget overview](
![Figure [blackwhite]: Black and white](
![Figure [filexp]: File explorer](
![Figure [opengl]: OpenGL Editor](
![Figure [nodedit]: Node Editor](
![Figure [skinning]: Using skinning in Nuklear](
![Figure [bf]: Heavy modified version](
## Credits
Developed by Micha Mettke and every direct or indirect github contributor. <br /><br />
Embeds [stb_texedit](, [stb_truetype]( and [stb_rectpack]( by Sean Barret (public domain) <br />
Uses [stddoc.c]( from for documentation generation <br /><br />
Embeds ProggyClean.ttf font by Tristan Grimmer (MIT license). <br />
Big thank you to Omar Cornut (ocornut@github) for his [imgui library]( and
giving me the inspiration for this library, Casey Muratori for handmade hero
and his original immediate mode graphical user interface idea and Sean
Barret for his amazing single header libraries which restored my faith
in libraries and brought me to create some of my own.
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