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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
namespace Schemy
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
/// <summary>
/// Extend the interpreter with essential builtin functionalities
/// </summary>
public class Builtins
public static IDictionary<Symbol, object> CreateBuiltins(Interpreter interpreter)
var builtins = new Dictionary<Symbol, object>();
builtins[Symbol.FromString("+")] = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Add), "+");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("-")] = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Minus), "-");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("*")] = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Multiply), "*");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("/")] = new NativeProcedure(Utils.MakeVariadic(Divide), "/");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("=")] = NativeProcedure.Create<double, double, bool>((x, y) => x == y, "=");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("<")] = NativeProcedure.Create<double, double, bool>((x, y) => x < y, "<");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("<=")] = NativeProcedure.Create<double, double, bool>((x, y) => x <= y, "<=");
builtins[Symbol.FromString(">")] = NativeProcedure.Create<double, double, bool>((x, y) => x > y, ">");
builtins[Symbol.FromString(">=")] = NativeProcedure.Create<double, double, bool>((x, y) => x >= y, ">=");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("eq?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, object, bool>((x, y) => object.ReferenceEquals(x, y), "eq?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("equal?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, object, bool>(EqualImpl, "equal?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("boolean?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, bool>(x => x is bool, "boolean?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("num?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, bool>(x => x is int || x is double, "num?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("string?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, bool>(x => x is string, "string?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("symbol?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, bool>(x => x is Symbol, "symbol?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("list?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, bool>(x => x is List<object>, "list?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("map")] = NativeProcedure.Create<ICallable, List<object>, List<object>>((func, ls) => ls.Select(x => func.Call(new List<object> { x })).ToList());
builtins[Symbol.FromString("reverse")] = NativeProcedure.Create<List<object>, List<object>>(ls => ls.Reverse<object>().ToList());
builtins[Symbol.FromString("range")] = new NativeProcedure(RangeImpl, "range");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("apply")] = NativeProcedure.Create<ICallable, List<object>, object>((proc, args) => proc.Call(args), "apply");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("list")] = new NativeProcedure(args => args, "list");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("list-ref")] = NativeProcedure.Create<List<object>, int, object>((ls, idx) => ls[idx]);
builtins[Symbol.FromString("length")] = NativeProcedure.Create<List<object>, int>(list => list.Count, "length");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("car")] = NativeProcedure.Create<List<object>, object>(args => args[0], "car");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("cdr")] = NativeProcedure.Create<List<object>, List<object>>(args => args.Skip(1).ToList(), "cdr");
builtins[Symbol.CONS] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, List<object>, List<object>>((x, ys) => Enumerable.Concat(new[] { x }, ys).ToList(), "cons");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("not")] = NativeProcedure.Create<bool, bool>(x => !x, "not");
builtins[Symbol.APPEND] = NativeProcedure.Create<List<object>, List<object>, List<object>>((l1, l2) => Enumerable.Concat(l1, l2).ToList(), "append");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("null")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object>(() => (object)null, "null");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("null?")] = NativeProcedure.Create<object, bool>(x => x is List<object> && ((List<object>)x).Count == 0, "null?");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("assert")] = new NativeProcedure(AssertImpl, "assert");
builtins[Symbol.FromString("load")] = NativeProcedure.Create<string, None>(filename => LoadImpl(interpreter, filename), "load");
return builtins;
#region Builtin Implementations
private static List<object> RangeImpl(List<object> args)
Utils.CheckSyntax(args, args.Count >= 1 && args.Count <= 3);
foreach (var item in args)
Utils.CheckSyntax(args, item is int, "items must be integers");
int start, end, step;
if (args.Count == 1)
start = 0;
end = (int)args[0];
step = 1;
else if (args.Count == 2)
start = (int)args[0];
end = (int)args[1];
step = 1;
start = (int)args[0];
end = (int)args[1];
step = (int)args[2];
if (start < end) Utils.CheckSyntax(args, step > 0, "step must make the sequence end");
if (start > end) Utils.CheckSyntax(args, step < 0, "step must make the sequence end");
var res = new List<object>();
if (start <= end) for (int i = start; i < end; i += step) res.Add(i);
else for (int i = start; i > end; i += step) res.Add(i);
return res;
private static None AssertImpl(List<object> args)
Utils.CheckArity(args, 1, 2);
string msg = "Assertion failed";
msg += args.Count > 1 ? ": " + Utils.ConvertType<string>(args[1]) : string.Empty;
bool pred = Utils.ConvertType<bool>(args[0]);
if (!pred) throw new AssertionFailedError(msg);
return None.Instance;
private static None LoadImpl(Interpreter interpreter, string filename)
using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(interpreter.FileSystemAccessor.OpenRead(filename)))
return None.Instance;
public static bool EqualImpl(object x, object y)
if (object.Equals(x, y)) return true;
if (x == null || y == null) return false;
if (x is IList<object> && y is IList<object>)
var x2 = (IList<object>)x;
var y2 = (IList<object>)y;
if (x2.Count != y2.Count) return false;
return Enumerable.Zip(x2, y2, (a, b) => Tuple.Create(a, b))
.All(pair => EqualImpl(pair.Item1, pair.Item2));
return false;
private static object Add(object x, object y)
if (x is int && y is int) return (int)x + (int)y;
return (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(x, typeof(double)) + (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(y, typeof(double));
private static object Minus(object x, object y)
if (x is int && y is int) return (int)x - (int)y;
return (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(x, typeof(double)) - (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(y, typeof(double));
private static object Multiply(object x, object y)
if (x is int && y is int) return (int)x * (int)y;
return (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(x, typeof(double)) * (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(y, typeof(double));
private static object Divide(object x, object y)
if (x is int && y is int) return (int)x / (int)y;
return (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(x, typeof(double)) / (double)System.Convert.ChangeType(y, typeof(double));
#endregion Builtin Implementations