
63 lines
1.6 KiB

; --------------------
; Define a variable
; --------------------
(define str "foo bar")
; --------------------
; Define a function
; --------------------
(define (square x) (* x x))
(square 2) ; call the function
; --------------------
; Create a list of numbers
; --------------------
(define nums (range 0 10))
; --------------------
; Functional programming:
; Map the list into another list using a function
; --------------------
(map square nums)
; --------------------
; Tail call optimization
; Reverse a list recursively (without stack overflow)
; --------------------
(define (reverse ls)
(define loop
(lambda (ls acc)
(if (null? ls) acc
(loop (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) acc)))))
(loop ls '()))
(reverse '(1 2 "foo" "bar"))
(reverse (range 0 10000)) ; NO STACK OVERFLOW!
; --------------------
; Using LISP macros to extend the language syntax
; Here we define a `let` syntax that creates local variable for
; only the scope in the `let` block (usage below).
; --------------------
(define-macro let
(lambda args
(define specs (car args)) ; ((var1 val1), ...)
(define bodies (cdr args)) ; (expr1 ...)
(if (null? specs)
`((lambda () ,@bodies))
(define spec1 (car specs)) ; (var1 val1)
(define spec_rest (cdr specs)) ; ((var2 val2) ...)
(define inner `((lambda ,(list (car spec1)) ,@bodies) ,(car (cdr spec1))))
`(let ,spec_rest ,inner)))))
; --------------------
; Usage of the newly created `let` syntax
; --------------------
(let ((x 1) ; let x = 1
(y 2)) ; let y = 2
(+ x y)) ; evaluate x + y