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;; ============
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;; ------------
;; Simple tests
;; ------------
(define simple-tests
`(,(+ 1 2) 3)
`(,(- 2 1) 1)
`(,(* 2 3) 6)
`(,(/ 4 3) 1)
`(,(= 1 1) #t)
`(,(= 1 2) #f)
`(,(< 1 2) #t)
`(,(> 1 2) #f)
;; -----------
;; Test syntax
;; -----------
(define (test-syntax)
(define x 1)
(assert (= x 1))
(define f (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
(assert (= 2 (f 1)))
;; Tests lambda definition and lexical scoping
;; `create-student` implements a minimum "struct" by using lexical variable
;; scoping. It is a function that returns a list of three functions:
;; 1. a function that returns the (name age)
;; 2. a function that sets the student's name
;; 3. a function that sets the student's age
(define (create-student name age)
(define (get-student) (list name age))
(define (set-name! v) (set! name v))
(define (set-age! v) (set! age v))
(list get-student set-name! set-age!))
(define john (create-student "john" 18))
(define mike (create-student "mike" 22))
(assert (equal? '("john" 18) ((list-ref john 0))))
((list-ref john 2) 19) ; set john's age to 19
(assert (equal? '("john" 19) ((list-ref john 0))))
(assert (equal? '("mike" 22) ((list-ref mike 0))))
;; Test proper tail recursion
(define (sum-up-to n acc)
(if (= n 0) acc
(sum-up-to (- n 1) (+ acc n))))
(assert (= 1250025000 (sum-up-to 50000 0)) "test proper tail recursion")
) ; test-syntax
;; ----------------------------
;; Test list related operations
;; ----------------------------
(define (test-list)
; test list is correctly constructed
; test `car` and `cdr`
(define ls (list 1 2 3 4))
(assert (list? ls))
(assert (not (list? 1)))
(assert (= 4 (length ls)))
(assert (= (car ls) 1))
(assert (= (car (cdr ls)) 2))
(assert (= (car (cdr (cdr ls))) 3))
(assert (= (car (cdr (cdr (cdr ls)))) 4))
; test list literal
(define ls2 '(1 2 3 4))
; test list operations
(assert (equal? ls ls2))
(assert (equal? ls (range 1 5)))
(assert (null? (list)))
(assert (not (null? (list 1))))
(assert (= 0 (length (list))))
; test list reversion
(define lsr '(4 3 2 1))
(assert (equal? (reverse ls) lsr))
; test `map`
(define (double x) (* x 2))
(assert (equal? `(2 4 6 8) (map double ls)))
) ; test-list
;; ----------
;; Test macro
;; ----------
(define-macro let
(lambda args
(define specs (car args)) ; ((var1 val1), ...)
(define bodies (cdr args)) ; (expr1 ...)
(if (null? specs)
`((lambda () ,@bodies))
(define spec1 (car specs)) ; (var1 val1)
(define spec_rest (cdr specs)) ; ((var2 val2) ...)
(define inner `((lambda ,(list (car spec1)) ,@bodies) ,(car (cdr spec1))))
`(let ,spec_rest ,inner)))))
(define (test-macro)
; test the `let` macro
(define x
(let ((a 4)
(b (+ 2 3)))
(* a b)))
(assert (= 20 x)))
;; =========
;; =========
;; run tests in ((actual, expected) ... )
(define (test specs)
(if (null? specs)
(define head (car specs))
(assert (equal? (car head) (car (cdr head))))
(test (cdr specs)))))
(test simple-tests)
;; =======================
;; Interpreter integration
;; =======================
; Test those global variables are accessible from interpreter environment table
; and that the interpreter can invoke the procedure to get the correct result.
(define (TIMES-TWO x) (* 2 x))
; Test that the last value is the return result of the interpreter
"good bye"