
586 lines
22 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
namespace Schemy
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Reflection;
public class Interpreter
private readonly Environment environment;
private readonly Dictionary<Symbol, Procedure> macroTable;
private readonly IFileSystemAccessor fsAccessor;
public delegate IDictionary<Symbol, object> CreateSymbolTableDelegate(Interpreter interpreter);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Interpreter"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="environmentInitializers">Array of environment initializers</param>
/// <param name="fsAccessor">The file system accessor</param>
public Interpreter(IEnumerable<CreateSymbolTableDelegate> environmentInitializers = null, IFileSystemAccessor fsAccessor = null)
this.fsAccessor = fsAccessor;
if (this.fsAccessor == null)
this.fsAccessor = new DisabledFileSystemAccessor();
// populate an empty environment for the initializer to potentially work with
this.environment = Environment.CreateEmpty();
this.macroTable = new Dictionary<Symbol, Procedure>();
environmentInitializers = environmentInitializers ?? new List<CreateSymbolTableDelegate>();
environmentInitializers = new CreateSymbolTableDelegate[] { Builtins.CreateBuiltins }.Concat(environmentInitializers);
foreach (CreateSymbolTableDelegate initializer in environmentInitializers)
this.environment = new Environment(initializer(this), this.environment);
foreach (var iniReader in GetInitializeFiles())
private IEnumerable<TextReader> GetInitializeFiles()
using (Stream stream = typeof(Interpreter).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(""))
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
yield return reader;
string initFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(typeof(Interpreter).Assembly.Location), "");
if (File.Exists(initFile))
using (var reader = new StreamReader(initFile))
yield return reader;
public IFileSystemAccessor FileSystemAccessor { get { return this.fsAccessor; } }
public Environment Environment { get { return this.environment; } }
/// <summary>
/// Evaluate script from a input reader
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">the input source</param>
/// <returns>the value of the last expression</returns>
public EvaluationResult Evaluate(TextReader input)
InPort port = new InPort(input);
object res = null;
while (true)
var expr = Expand(Read(port), environment, macroTable, true);
if (Symbol.EOF.Equals(expr))
return new EvaluationResult(null, res);
res = EvaluateExpression(expr, environment);
catch (Exception e)
return new EvaluationResult(e, null);
/// <summary>
/// Starts the Read-Eval-Print loop
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input">the input source</param>
/// <param name="output">the output target</param>
/// <param name="prompt">a string prompt to be printed before each evaluation</param>
/// <param name="headers">a head text to be printed at the beginning of the REPL</param>
public void REPL(TextReader input, TextWriter output, string prompt = null, string[] headers = null)
InPort port = new InPort(input);
if (headers != null)
foreach (var line in headers)
object res = null;
while (true)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prompt) && output != null) output.Write(prompt);
var expr = Expand(Read(port), environment, macroTable, true);
if (Symbol.EOF.Equals(expr))
res = EvaluateExpression(expr, environment);
if (output != null) output.WriteLine(Utils.PrintExpr(res));
catch (Exception e)
/// <summary>
/// Defines a global symbol
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sym">the symbol</param>
/// <param name="val">the associated value</param>
public void DefineGlobal(Symbol sym, object val)
this.environment[sym] = val;
/// <summary>
/// Reads an S-expression from the input source
/// </summary>
public static object Read(InPort port)
Func<object, object> readAhead = null;
readAhead = token =>
Symbol quote;
if (object.Equals(token, Symbol.EOF))
throw new SyntaxError("unexpected EOF");
else if (token is string)
string tokenStr = (string)token;
if (tokenStr == "(")
var L = new List<object>();
while (true)
token = port.NextToken();
if (token is string && (string)token == ")")
return L;
else if (tokenStr == ")")
throw new SyntaxError("unexpected )");
else if (Symbol.QuotesMap.TryGetValue(tokenStr, out quote))
object quoted = Read(port);
return new List<object> { quote, quoted };
return ParseAtom(tokenStr);
throw new SyntaxError("unexpected token: " + token);
var token1 = port.NextToken();
return Symbol.EOF.Equals(token1) ? Symbol.EOF : readAhead(token1);
/// <summary>
/// Validates and expands the input s-expression
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expression">expression to expand</param>
/// <param name="env">env used to evaluate the macro procedures</param>
/// <param name="macroTable">the macro definition table</param>
/// <param name="isTopLevel">whether the current expansion is at the top level</param>
/// <returns>the s-expression after validation and expansion</returns>
public static object Expand(object expression, Environment env, Dictionary<Symbol, Procedure> macroTable, bool isTopLevel = true)
Procedure procedure = null;
Func<object, bool, object> expand = null;
expand = (x, topLevel) =>
if (!(x is List<object>))
return x;
List<object> xs = (List<object>)x;
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count > 0);
if (Symbol.QUOTE.Equals(xs[0]))
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count == 2);
return xs;
else if (Symbol.IF.Equals(xs[0]))
if (xs.Count == 3)
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count == 4);
return xs.Select(expr => expand(expr, false)).ToList();
else if (Symbol.SET.Equals(xs[0]))
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count == 3);
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs[1] is Symbol, "can only set! a symbol");
return new List<object> { Symbol.SET, xs[1], expand(xs[2], false) };
else if (Symbol.DEFINE.Equals(xs[0]) || Symbol.DEFINE_MACRO.Equals(xs[0]))
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count >= 3);
Symbol def = (Symbol)xs[0];
object v = xs[1]; // sym or (sym+)
List<object> body = xs.Skip(2).ToList(); // expr or expr+
if (v is List<object>) // defining function: ([define|define-macro] (f arg ...) body)
var args = (List<object>)v;
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, args.Count > 0);
var f = args[0];
var @params = args.Skip(1).ToList();
return expand(new List<object> { def, f, Enumerable.Concat(new object[] { Symbol.LAMBDA, @params }, body).ToList() }, false);
else // defining variable: ([define|define-macro] id expr)
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count == 3);
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, v is Symbol);
var expr = expand(xs[2], false);
if (Symbol.DEFINE_MACRO.Equals(def))
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, topLevel, "define-macro is only allowed at the top level");
var proc = EvaluateExpression(expr, env);
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, proc is Procedure, "macro must be a procedure");
macroTable[(Symbol)v] = (Procedure)proc;
return None.Instance;
// `define v expr`
return new List<object> { Symbol.DEFINE, v, expr /* after expansion */ };
else if (Symbol.BEGIN.Equals(xs[0]))
if (xs.Count == 1) return None.Instance; // (begin) => None
// use the same topLevel so that `define-macro` is also allowed in a top-level `begin`.
return xs.Select(expr => expand(expr, topLevel)).ToList();
else if (Symbol.LAMBDA.Equals(xs[0]))
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count >= 3);
var vars = xs[1];
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, vars is Symbol || (vars is List<object> && ((List<object>)vars).All(v => v is Symbol)), "illigal lambda argument");
object body;
if (xs.Count == 3)
// (lambda (...) expr)
body = xs[2];
// (lambda (...) expr+
body = Enumerable.Concat(new[] { Symbol.BEGIN }, xs.Skip(2)).ToList();
return new List<object> { Symbol.LAMBDA, vars, expand(body, false) };
else if (Symbol.QUASIQUOTE.Equals(xs[0]))
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count == 2);
return ExpandQuasiquote(xs[1]);
else if (xs[0] is Symbol && macroTable.TryGetValue((Symbol)xs[0], out procedure))
return expand(procedure.Call(xs.Skip(1).ToList()), topLevel);
return xs.Select(p => expand(p, false)).ToList();
return expand(expression, isTopLevel);
/// <summary>
/// Evaluates an s-expression
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expr">expression to be evaluated</param>
/// <param name="env">the environment in which the expression is evaluated</param>
/// <returns>the result of the evaluation</returns>
public static object EvaluateExpression(object expr, Environment env)
while (true)
if (expr is Symbol)
return env[(Symbol)expr];
else if (!(expr is List<object>))
return expr; // is a constant literal
List<object> exprList = (List<object>)expr;
if (Symbol.QUOTE.Equals(exprList[0]))
return exprList[1];
else if (Symbol.IF.Equals(exprList[0]))
var test = exprList[1];
var conseq = exprList[2];
var alt = exprList[3];
expr = ConvertToBool(EvaluateExpression(test, env)) ? conseq : alt;
else if (Symbol.DEFINE.Equals(exprList[0]))
var variable = (Symbol)exprList[1];
expr = exprList[2];
env[variable] = EvaluateExpression(expr, env);
return None.Instance; // TODO: what's the return type of define?
else if (Symbol.SET.Equals(exprList[0]))
var sym = (Symbol)exprList[1];
var containingEnv = env.TryFindContainingEnv(sym);
if (containingEnv == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException("Symbol not defined: " + sym);
containingEnv[sym] = EvaluateExpression(exprList[2], env);
return None.Instance;
else if (Symbol.LAMBDA.Equals(exprList[0]))
// Two lambda forms:
// - (lambda (arg ...) body): each arg is bound to a value
// - (lambda args body): args is bound to the parameter list
Union<Symbol, List<Symbol>> parameters;
if (exprList[1] is Symbol)
parameters = new Union<Symbol, List<Symbol>>((Symbol)exprList[1]);
parameters = new Union<Symbol, List<Symbol>>(((List<object>)exprList[1]).Cast<Symbol>().ToList());
return new Procedure(parameters, exprList[2], env);
else if (Symbol.BEGIN.Equals(exprList[0]))
for (int i = 1; i < exprList.Count - 1 /* don't eval last expr yet */; i++)
EvaluateExpression(exprList[i], env);
expr = exprList[exprList.Count - 1]; // tail call optimization
// a procedure call
var rawProc = EvaluateExpression(exprList[0], env);
if (!(rawProc is ICallable))
throw new InvalidCastException(string.Format("Object is not callable: {0}", rawProc));
var args = exprList.Skip(1).Select(a => EvaluateExpression(a, env)).ToList();
if (rawProc is Procedure)
// Tail call optimization - instead of evaluating the procedure here which grows the
// stack by calling EvaluateExpression, we update the `expr` and `env` to be the
// body and the (params, args), and loop the evaluation from here.
var proc = (Procedure)rawProc;
expr = proc.Body;
env = Environment.FromVariablesAndValues(proc.Parameters, args, proc.Env);
else if (rawProc is NativeProcedure)
return ((NativeProcedure)rawProc).Call(args);
throw new InvalidOperationException("unexpected implementation of ICallable: " + rawProc.GetType().Name);
private static bool IsPair(object x)
return x is List<object> && ((List<object>)x).Count > 0;
private static object ExpandQuasiquote(object x)
if (!IsPair(x)) return new List<object> { Symbol.QUOTE, x };
var xs = (List<object>)x;
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, !Symbol.UNQUOTE_SPLICING.Equals(xs[0]), "Cannot splice");
if (Symbol.UNQUOTE.Equals(xs[0]))
Utils.CheckSyntax(xs, xs.Count == 2);
return xs[1];
else if (IsPair(xs[0]) && Symbol.UNQUOTE_SPLICING.Equals(((List<object>)xs[0])[0]))
var x0 = (List<object>)xs[0];
Utils.CheckSyntax(x0, x0.Count == 2);
return new List<object> { Symbol.APPEND, x0[1], ExpandQuasiquote(xs.Skip(1).ToList()) };
return new List<object> { Symbol.CONS, ExpandQuasiquote(xs[0]), ExpandQuasiquote(xs.Skip(1).ToList()) };
private static object ParseAtom(string token)
int intVal;
double floatVal;
if (token == "#t")
return true;
else if (token == "#f")
return false;
else if (token[0] == '"')
return token.Substring(1, token.Length - 2);
else if (int.TryParse(token, out intVal))
return intVal;
else if (double.TryParse(token, out floatVal))
return floatVal;
return Symbol.FromString(token); // a symbol
private static bool ConvertToBool(object val)
if (val is bool) return (bool)val;
return true;
public struct EvaluationResult
private readonly Exception error;
private readonly object result;
public EvaluationResult(Exception error, object result) : this()
this.error = error;
this.result = result;
public Exception Error { get { return this.error; } }
public object Result { get { return this.result; } }
public class InPort
private const string tokenizer = @"^\s*(,@|[('`,)]|""(?:[\\].|[^\\""])*""|;.*|[^\s('""`,;)]*)(.*)";
private TextReader file;
private string line;
public InPort(TextReader file)
this.file = file;
this.line = string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Parses and returns the next token. Returns <see cref="Symbol.EOF"/> if there's no more content to read.
/// </summary>
public object NextToken()
while (true)
if (this.line == string.Empty)
this.line = this.file.ReadLine();
if (this.line == string.Empty)
else if (this.line == null)
return Symbol.EOF;
var res = Regex.Match(this.line, tokenizer);
var token = res.Groups[1].Value;
this.line = res.Groups[2].Value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
// 1st group is empty. All string falls into 2nd group. This usually means
// an error in the syntax, e.g., incomplete string "foo
var tmp = this.line;
this.line = string.Empty; // to continue reading next line
if (tmp.Trim() != string.Empty)
// this is a syntax error
Utils.CheckSyntax(tmp, false, "unexpected syntax");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token) && !token.StartsWith(";"))
return token;