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RulesEngine is a highly extensible library to build rule based system using C# expressions


  • Json based rules defination
  • Multiple input support
  • Dynamic object input support
  • C# Expression support
  • Extending expression via custom class/type injection
  • Scoped parameters
  • Post rule execution actions

Table Of Content


Nuget package: nuget

Basic Usage

Create a workflow file with rules

    "WorkflowName": "Discount",
    "Rules": [
        "RuleName": "GiveDiscount10",
        "Expression": " == \"india\" AND input1.loyalityFactor <= 2 AND input1.totalPurchasesToDate >= 5000 AND input2.totalOrders > 2 AND input3.noOfVisitsPerMonth > 2"
        "RuleName": "GiveDiscount20",
        "Expression": " == \"india\" AND input1.loyalityFactor == 3 AND input1.totalPurchasesToDate >= 10000 AND input2.totalOrders > 2 AND input3.noOfVisitsPerMonth > 2"

Initialise RulesEngine with the workflow:

var workflowRules = //Get list of workflow rules declared in the json
var re = new RulesEngine.RulesEngine(workflowRules, null);

Execute the workflow rules with input:

// Declare input1,input2,input3 
var resultList  = await re.ExecuteAllRulesAsync("Discount", input1,input2,input3);

//Check success for rule
foreach(var result in resultList){
  Console.WriteLine($"Rule - {result.Rule.RuleName}, IsSuccess - {result.IsSuccess}");

This will execute all the rules under Discount workflow and return ruleResultTree for all rules

Note: input passed to rulesEngine can be of a concrete type, an anonymous type or dynamic(Expandobject). In case of dynamic object, RulesEngine will internally convert to an anonymous type

Using custom names for inputs

By Default, RulesEngine will name the inputs as input1, input2, input3... respectively. It is possible to use a custom name in rules by passing input as RuleParameter

    "WorkflowName": "DiscountWithCustomInputNames",
    "Rules": [
        "RuleName": "GiveDiscount10",
        "Expression": " == \"india\" AND basicInfo.loyalityFactor <= 2 AND basicInfo.totalPurchasesToDate >= 5000 AND orderInfo.totalOrders > 2 AND telemetryInfo.noOfVisitsPerMonth > 2"
        "RuleName": "GiveDiscount20",
        "Expression": " == \"india\" AND basicInfo.loyalityFactor == 3 AND basicInfo.totalPurchasesToDate >= 10000 AND orderInfo.totalOrders > 2 AND telemetryInfo.noOfVisitsPerMonth > 2"

Now we can call rulesEngine with the custom names:

var workflowRules = //Get list of workflow rules declared in the json
var re = new RulesEngine.RulesEngine(workflowRules, null);

// Declare input1,input2,input3 

var rp1 = new RuleParameter("basicInfo",input1);
var rp2 = new RuleParameter("orderInfo", input2);
var rp3 = new RuleParameter("telemetryInfo",input3);

var resultList  = await re.ExecuteAllRulesAsync("DiscountWithCustomInputNames",rp1,rp2,rp3);

C# Expression support

The lambda expression allows you to use most of C# constructs and along with some of linq features.

For more details on supported expression language refer - expression language

For supported linq operations refer - sequence operators


Sometimes Rules can get very long and complex, scopedParams allow users to replace an expression in rule with an alias making it easier to maintain rule.

RulesEngine supports two type of ScopedParams:

  • GlobalParams
  • LocalParams


GlobalParams are defined at workflow level and can be used in any rule.


  "WorkflowName": "workflowWithGlobalParam",
      "RuleName": "checkGlobalEqualsHello",
      "Expression":"myglobal1 == \"hello\""
      "RuleName": "checkGlobalEqualsInputHello",
      "Expression":"myInput.hello.ToLower() == myglobal1"

These rules when executed with the below input will return success

  var input = new RuleParameter("myInput",new {
    hello = "HELLO"

  var resultList  = await re.ExecuteAllRulesAsync("workflowWithGlobalParam",rp);


LocalParams are defined at rule level and can be used by the rule and its child rules


  "WorkflowName": "workflowWithLocalParam",
      "RuleName": "checkLocalEqualsHello",
      "Expression":"mylocal1 == \"hello\""
      "RuleName": "checkLocalEqualsInputHelloInNested",
          "Name":"mylocal1", //redefined here as it is scoped at rule level
      "Operator": "And",
          "RuleName": "nestedRule",
          "Expression":"myInput.hello.ToLower() == mylocal1" //mylocal1 can be used here since it is nested to Rule where mylocal1 is defined

These rules when executed with the below input will return success

  var input = new RuleParameter("myInput",new {
    hello = "HELLO"

  var resultList  = await re.ExecuteAllRulesAsync("workflowWithLocalParam",rp);

Referencing ScopedParams in other ScopedParams

Similar to how ScopedParams can be used in expressions, they can also be used in other scoped params that come after them. This allows us to create multi-step rule which is easier to read and maintain

  "WorkflowName": "workflowWithReferencedRule",
      "RuleName": "checkGlobalAndLocalEqualsHello",
          "Name": "mylocal1",
          "Expression": "myglobal1.ToLower()"
      "Expression":"mylocal1 == \"hello\""
      "RuleName": "checklocalEqualsInputHello",
          "Name": "mylocal1",
          "Expression": "myglobal1.ToLower()"
          "Name": "mylocal2",
          "Expression": "myInput.hello.ToLower() == mylocal1"
      "Expression":"mylocal2 == true"

These rules when executed with the below input will return success

  var input = new RuleParameter("myInput",new {
    hello = "HELLO"

  var resultList  = await re.ExecuteAllRulesAsync("workflowWithReferencedRule",rp);

Post rule execution actions

As a part of v3, Actions have been introduced to allow custom code execution on rule result. This can be achieved by calling ExecuteAllRulesAsync method of RulesEngine

Inbuilt Actions

RulesEngine provides inbuilt action which cover major scenarios related to rule execution


This action evaluates an expression based on the RuleParameters and returns its value as Output


Define OnSuccess or OnFailure Action for your Rule:

  "WorkflowName": "inputWorkflow",
  "Rules": [
      "RuleName": "GiveDiscount10Percent",
      "SuccessEvent": "10",
      "ErrorMessage": "One or more adjust rules failed.",
      "ErrorType": "Error",
      "RuleExpressionType": "LambdaExpression",
      "Expression": "input1.couy == \"india\" AND input1.loyalityFactor <= 2 AND input1.totalPurchasesToDate >= 5000 AND input2.totalOrders > 2 AND input2.noOfVisitsPerMonth > 2",
      "Actions": {
         "OnSuccess": {
            "Name": "OutputExpression",  //Name of action you want to call
            "Context": {  //This is passed to the action as action context
               "Expression": "input1.TotalBilled * 0.9"

Call ExecuteAllRulesAsync with the workflowName, ruleName and ruleParameters

   var ruleResultList = await rulesEngine.ExecuteAllRulesAsync("inputWorkflow",ruleParameters);
   foreach(var ruleResult in ruleResultList){
      if(ruleResult.ActionResult != null){
          Console.WriteLine(ruleResult.ActionResult.Output); //ActionResult.Output contains the evaluated value of the action

Custom Actions

RulesEngine allows registering custom actions which can be used in the rules workflow.

Steps to use a custom Action

  1. Create a class which extends ActionBase class and implement the run method
 public class MyCustomAction: ActionBase
        public MyCustomAction(SomeInput someInput)

        public override ValueTask<object> Run(ActionContext context, RuleParameter[] ruleParameters)
            var customInput = context.GetContext<string>("customContextInput");
            //Add your custom logic here and return a ValueTask

Actions can have async code as well

 public class MyCustomAction: ActionBase
        public MyCustomAction(SomeInput someInput)

        public override async ValueTask<object> Run(ActionContext context, RuleParameter[] ruleParameters)
            var customInput = context.GetContext<string>("customContextInput");
            //Add your custom logic here
            return await MyCustomLogicAsync();
  1. Register them in ReSettings and pass it to RulesEngine
   var reSettings = new ReSettings{
                        CustomActions = new Dictionary<string, Func<ActionBase>>{
                                             {"MyCustomAction", () => new MyCustomAction(someInput) }

   var re = new RulesEngine(workflowRules,logger,reSettings);
  1. You can now use the name you registered in the Rules json in success or failure actions
  "WorkflowName": "inputWorkflow",
  "Rules": [
      "RuleName": "GiveDiscount10Percent",
      "SuccessEvent": "10",
      "ErrorMessage": "One or more adjust rules failed.",
      "ErrorType": "Error",
      "RuleExpressionType": "LambdaExpression",
      "Expression": "input1.couy == \"india\" AND input1.loyalityFactor <= 2 AND input1.totalPurchasesToDate >= 5000 AND input2.totalOrders > 2 AND input2.noOfVisitsPerMonth > 2",
      "Actions": {
         "OnSuccess": {
            "Name": "MyCustomAction",  //Name context
            "Context": {  //This is passed to the action as action context
               "customContextInput": "input1.TotalBilled * 0.9"

For more details please check out Rules Engine Wiki.