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## Assembly report for Vanara.SystemServices.dll
Classes for system related items derived from the Vanara PInvoke libraries. Includes extensions for Process (privileges and elavation), FileInfo (compression info), Shared Network Drives and Devices, and ServiceController (SetStartType) that pull extended information through native API calls.
### Enumerations
Enum | Description | Values
---- | ---- | ----
[Vanara.Diagnostics.BatteryStatus]( | Indicates the status of the battery. | NotPresent, Discharging, Idle, Charging
[Vanara.Diagnostics.EnergySaverStatus]( | Specifies the status of battery saver. | Disabled, Off, On
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobLimit]( | The job limit type exceeded as communicated by a `Vanara.Diagnostics.JobNotificationEventArgs`. | PerJobUserTime, JobMemory, JobLowMemory, IoReadBytes, IoWriteBytes, RateControlTolerance, IoRateControlTolerance, NetRateControlTolerance
[Vanara.Extensions.NetworkInterfaceAccessType]( | The interface access type. | Loopback, Broadcast, PointToPoint, PointToMultiPoint
[Vanara.Extensions.NetworkInterfaceAdministrativeStatus]( | Specifies the NDIS network interface administrative status, as described in RFC 2863. | Up, Down, Testing
[Vanara.Extensions.NetworkInterfaceConnectionType]( | Specifies the NDIS network interface connection type. | Dedicated, Passive, Demand
[Vanara.Extensions.NetworkInterfaceDirectionType]( | Specifies the NDIS network interface direction type. | SendReceive, SendOnly, ReceiveOnly
[Vanara.Extensions.NetworkInterfaceMediaType]( | The NDIS media type of a network interface. | Ethernet802_3, TokenRing, Fddi, Wan, LocalTalk, Dix, ArcnetRaw, Arcnet878_2, Atm, Wireless, IrDA, Broadcast, CoWAN, Ieee1394, InfiniBand, Tunnel, Native802_11, Loopback, WiMAX, IP
[Vanara.Extensions.NetworkInterfacePhysicalMedium]( | The NDIS physical medium type. | Unspecified, WirelessLan, CableModem, PhoneLine, PowerLine, DSL, FibreChannel, Ieee1394, WirelessWan, Native802_11, Bluetooth, InfiniBand, WiMAX, UWB, Ethernet802_3, TokenRing, IrDA, WiredWAN, WiredCoWAN, Other
[Vanara.IO.PathEx.PathCharType]( | The type of character retrieved from `Vanara.IO.PathEx.GetCharType(System.Char)`. | Invalid, LongFileName, ShortFileName, Wildcard, Separator
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerCapabilities]( | Specifies the power capabilities of a device. | PowerButtonPresent, SleepButtonPresent, LidPresent, SystemS1, SystemS2, SystemS3, SystemS4, SystemS5, HiberFilePresent, FullWake, VideoDimPresent, ApmPresent, UpsPresent, ThermalControl, ProcessorThrottle, FastSystemS4, Hiberboot, WakeAlarmPresent, AoAc, DiskSpinDown, AoAcConnectivitySupported, SystemBatteriesPresent, BatteriesAreShortTerm
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerSupplyStatus]( | Represents the device's power supply status. | NotPresent, Inadequate, Adequate
[Vanara.Extensions.ProcessIntegrityLevel]( | Values which define a processes integrity level. | Untrusted, Undefined, Low, Medium, High, System
[Vanara.Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerAccessRights]( | Defines the access rights to use when creating access and audit rules. | QueryConfig, ChangeConfig, QueryStatus, EnumerateDependents, Start, Stop, Continue, Interrogate, UserDefinedControl, Delete, ReadPermissions, Write, Read, Execute, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership, AccessSystemSecurity, FullControl
[Vanara.ShareOfflineSettings]( | Offline settings for a shared folder. | OnlySpecified, All, AllOptimized, None
### Interfaces
Interface | Description
---- | ----
[Vanara.Network.NetworkListManager.IEnumerableList<T>](<T>) | An enumerable list that supports a length and indexer.
[Vanara.INamedEntity]( | An object that exposes a name.
### Classes
Class | Description
---- | ----
[Vanara.Computer]( | Represents a single connected (authenticated) computer.
[Vanara.Extensions.FileInfoExtension]( | Extension methods for `System.IO.FileSystemInfo` and derived classes to facilitate retrieval of extended properties.
[Vanara.Network.InternetProxyOptions]( | Provides access to proxy settings for an internet connection.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.IoCompletionPort]( | Represents a system I/O completion port.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.Job]( | Represents a system Job Object that allows groups of processes to be managed as a unit. Job objects are nameable, securable, sharable objects that control attributes of the processes associated with them. Operations performed on a job object affect all processes associated with the job object. Examples include enforcing limits such as working set size and process priority or terminating all processes associated with a job. For more information see <a href="">Job Objects</a>.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobEventArgs]( | Contains information about a job object message.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobHelper]( | Base class for other classes that support the `Vanara.Diagnostics.Job` object.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobLimits]( | Settings for `Vanara.Diagnostics.Job` that set limits for different runtime values.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobNotificationEventArgs]( | Contains information about a job object limit notification message.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobNotifications]( | Settings for `Vanara.Diagnostics.Job` that set notification limits for different properties.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobSecurity]( | Represents the security access rights of a job object.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobSettings]( | Settings related to job objects.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.JobStatistics]( | Gets statistics for a job object.
[Vanara.Network.NetworkConnection]( | Represents a single network connection. Wraps `Vanara.PInvoke.NetListMgr.INetworkConnection`.
[Vanara.NetworkDeviceConnection]( | Information about a remote resource, usually in reference to a connection to that resource.
[Vanara.NetworkDeviceConnectionCollection]( | Provides access to the local machine's remote connections.
[Vanara.Extensions.NetworkInterfaceExt]( | Extension methods for various network related interfaces methods.
[Vanara.Network.NetworkListManager]( | Provides a set of methods to perform network list management functions.
[Vanara.Network.NetworkProfile]( | Represents a wireless network profile
[Vanara.OpenFile]( | Represents an open file associated with a share.
[Vanara.IO.PathEx]( | Performs operations on String instances that contain file or directory path information. These operations are performed in a cross-platform manner.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PoweredDevice]( | Represents a device on the system that has power requirements.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PoweredDeviceCollection]( | Retrieves the list, optionally filtered, of the powered devices on the system.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerEventArgs<T>](<T>) | Event arguments for power events.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerManager]( | Provides access to information about a device's battery and power supply status and configuration. This extends the capabilities Windows.System.Power.PowerManager to include more detail, schemes and devices.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerScheme]( | Represents a system power scheme (power plan).
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerSchemeCollection]( | Represents a collection of all the power schemes available on the system.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerSchemeGroup]( | Represents a subgroup of a system power scheme (power plan).
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerSchemeGroupCollection]( | Represents a collection of all the subgroups available under a power scheme on the system.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerSchemeSetting]( | Represents a setting on a subgroup.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.PowerSchemeSettingCollection]( | Represents a collection of all settings for a subgroup and power scheme on the system.
[Vanara.Extensions.ProcessExtension]( | Extension methods for `System.Diagnostics.Process` for privileges, status, elevation and relationships.
[Vanara.Registry.RegistryEventMonitor.RegistryEventArgs]( | Argument used in `Vanara.Registry.RegistryEventMonitor` events.
[Vanara.Registry.RegistryEventMonitor]( | Watches the Windows Registry for any changes.
[Vanara.Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerAccessRule]( | Represents an abstraction of an access control entry (ACE) that defines an access rule for a service.
[Vanara.Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerAuditRule]( | Represents an abstraction of an access control entry (ACE) that defines an audit rule for a service.
[Vanara.Extensions.ServiceControllerExtension]( | Extension methods for `System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController`.
[Vanara.Security.AccessControl.ServiceControllerSecurity]( | Represents the access control and audit security for a service.
[Vanara.ShareConnection]( | Represents a connection to a shared device.
[Vanara.SharedDevice]( | Represents a shared device on a computer.
[Vanara.SharedDevices]( | Represents all the shared devices on a computers.
[Vanara.Diagnostics.SystemShutdown]( | Provides access to system shutdown, restart, lock and notifications.
[Vanara.IO.Wow64Redirect]( | Suspends File System Redirection if found to be in effect. Effectively, this calls <c>IsWow64Process</c> to determine state and then disables redirection using <c>Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection</c>. It then reverts redirection at disposal using <c>Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection</c>.