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Assembly report for Vanara.SystemServices.dll


Class Description
BackgroundCopyException Exceptions specific to BITS
BackgroundCopyFileCollection Manages the set of files for a background copy job.
BackgroundCopyFileInfo Information about a file in a background copy job.
BackgroundCopyFileRange Identifies a range of bytes to download from a file.
BackgroundCopyFileRangesTransferredEventArgs Used by FileRangesTransferred events.
BackgroundCopyFileTransferredEventArgs Used by FileTransferred events.
BackgroundCopyJob A job in the Backgroup Copy Service (BITS)
BackgroundCopyJobCollection Manages the set of jobs for the background copy service (BITS).
BackgroundCopyJobCredential Represents a single BITS job credential.
BackgroundCopyJobCredentials The list of credentials for a job.
BackgroundCopyJobEventArgs Event argument for background copy job.
BackgroundCopyManager Use the BackgroundCopyManager to create transfer jobs, retrieve an enumerator object that contains the jobs in the queue, and to retrieve individual jobs from the queue.
FileInfoExtension Extension methods for FileSystemInfo and derived classes to facilitate retrieval of extended properties.
NetworkConnection Represents a single network connection. Wraps INetworkConnection.
NetworkListManager Provides a set of methods to perform network list management functions.
NetworkProfile Represents a wireless network profile
PathEx Performs operations on String instances that contain file or directory path information. These operations are performed in a cross-platform manner.
ProcessExtension Extension methods for Process for privilegs, status, elevation and relationships.
RegistryEventArgs Argument used in RegistryEventMonitor events.
RegistryEventMonitor Watches the Windows Registry for any changes.
ServiceControllerExtension Extension methods for ServiceController.
SystemShutdown Provides access to system shutdown, restart, lock and notifications.
VirtualDisk Class that represents a virtual disk and allows for performing actions on it. This wraps most of the methods found in virtdisk.h.
VirtualDiskMetadata Supports getting and setting metadata on a virtual disk.
Wow64Redirect Suspends File System Redirection if found to be in effect. Effectively, this calls IsWow64Process to determine state and then disables redirection using Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection. It then reverts redirection at disposal using Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection.


Struct Description
BackgroundCopyFileRange Identifies a range of bytes to download from a file.
BackgroundCopyJobProgress Provides job-related progress information, such as the number of bytes and files transferred. For upload jobs, the progress applies to the upload file, not the reply file.
BackgroundCopyJobReplyProgress Provides progress information related to the reply portion of an upload-reply job.


Enum Description Values
BackgroundCopyACLFlags Flags for ACL information to maintain when using SMB to download or upload a file. None, Owner, Group, Dacl, Sacl, All
BackgroundCopyCost Defines the constant values that specify the BITS cost state. Unrestricted, CappedUsageUnknown, BelowCap, NearCap, OvercapCharged, OstStateOvercapThrottled, OstStateUsageBased, Roaming, Reserved, IgnoreCongestion, TransferUnrestricted, TransferStandard, TransferNoSurcharge, TransferNotRoaming, TransferAlways
BackgroundCopyErrorContext Defines the constant values that specify the context in which the error occurred. None, Unknown, GeneralQueueManager, QueueManagerNotification, LocalFile, RemoteFile, GeneralTransport, RemoteApplication
BackgroundCopyJobCredentialScheme Defines the constant values that specify the authentication scheme to use when a proxy or server requests user authentication. Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Passport
BackgroundCopyJobCredentialTarget Defines the constant values that specify whether the credentials are used for proxy or server user authentication requests. Undefined, Server, Proxy
BackgroundCopyJobPriority Defines the constant values that specify the priority level of a job. Foreground, High, Normal, Low
BackgroundCopyJobSecurity HTTP security flags that indicate which errors to ignore when connecting to the server. AllowSilentRedirect, CheckCRL, IgnoreInvalidCerts, IgnoreExpiredCerts, IgnoreUnknownCA, IgnoreWrongCertUsage, AllowReportedRedirect, DisallowRedirect, AllowHttpsToHttpRedirect
BackgroundCopyJobState Defines constant values for the different states of a job. Queued, Connecting, Transferring, Suspended, Error, TransientError, Transferred, Acknowledged, Cancelled
BackgroundCopyJobType Defines constant values that specify the type of transfer job, such as download. Download, Upload, UploadReply
DeviceType Represents the format of the virtual disk. Unknown, Iso, Vhd, Vhdx, VhdSet
NetworkInterfaceAccessType The interface access type. Loopback, Broadcast, PointToPoint, PointToMultiPoint
NetworkInterfaceAdministrativeStatus Specifies the NDIS network interface administrative status, as described in RFC 2863. Up, Down, Testing
NetworkInterfaceConnectionType Specifies the NDIS network interface connection type. Dedicated, Passive, Demand
NetworkInterfaceDirectionType Specifies the NDIS network interface direction type. SendReceive, SendOnly, ReceiveOnly
NetworkInterfaceMediaType The NDIS media type of a network interface. Ethernet802_3, TokenRing, Fddi, Wan, LocalTalk, Dix, ArcnetRaw, Arcnet878_2, Atm, Wireless, IrDA, Broadcast, CoWAN, Ieee1394, InfiniBand, Tunnel, Native802_11, Loopback, WiMAX, IP
NetworkInterfacePhysicalMedium The NDIS physical medium type. Unspecified, WirelessLan, CableModem, PhoneLine, PowerLine, DSL, FibreChannel, Ieee1394, WirelessWan, Native802_11, Bluetooth, InfiniBand, WiMAX, UWB, Ethernet802_3, TokenRing, IrDA, WiredWAN, WiredCoWAN, Other
PathCharType Invalid, LongFileName, ShortFileName, Wildcard, Separator
ProcessIntegrityLevel Values which define a processes integrity level. Untrusted, Undefined, Low, Medium, High, System
Subtype Represents the subtype of a virtual disk. Fixed, Dynamic, Differencing