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Assembly report for Vanara.Windows.Shell.dll


Class Description
ControlPanel Provides a means to open Control Panel items and get their paths.
IconLocation Wraps the icon location string used by some Shell classes.
PropertyDescriptionList Exposes methods that extract information from a collection of property descriptions presented as a list.
PropertyStore Encapsulates the IPropertyStore object.
PropertyType Exposes methods that extract data from enumeration information.
PropertyTypeList Exposes methods that enumerate the possible values for a property.
ShellFileInfo Information and icons for any shell file.
ShellFileNewOpEventArgs Arguments supplied to the PostNewItem event.
ShellFileOperations Queued and static file operations using the Shell.
ShellFileOpEventArgs Arguments supplied to events from ShellFileOperations. Depending on the event, some properties may not be set.
ShellFolder A folder or container of ShellItem instances.
ShellItem Encapsulates an item in the Windows Shell.
ShellItemArray A folder or container of ShellItem instances.
ShellItemPropertyStore A property store for a ShellItem.
ShellItemPropertyUpdates A dictionary of properties that can be used to set or update property values on Shell items via the ShellFileOperations.QueueApplyPropertiesOperation(Vanara.Windows.Shell.ShellItem,Vanara.Windows.Shell.ShellItemPropertyUpdates) method. This class wraps the IPropertyChangeArray COM interface.
ShellLibrary Shell library encapsulation.
ShellLibraryFolders Folders of a ShellLibrary.
ShellLink Represents a Shell Shortcut (.lnk) file.


Enum Description Values
ExecutableType Specifies the executable file type. Nonexecutable, DOS, Win32Console, Windows
FolderItemFilter A filter for the types of children to enumerate. Folders, NonFolders, IncludeHidden, Printers, Shareable, Storage, FastItems, FlatList, IncludeSuperHidden
LibraryFolderFilter Defines options for filtering folder items. FileSystemOnly, StorageObjects, AllItems
LibraryViewTemplate Defines the type of view assigned to a library folder. Documents, General, Music, Pictures, Videos, Custom
LinkResolution Flags determining how the links with missing targets are resolved. None, NoUI, AnyMatch, Update, NoUpdate, NoSearch, NoTrack, NoLinkInfo, InvokeMSI, NoUIWithMsgPump, OfferDeleteWithoutFile, KnownFolder, MachineInLocalTarget, UpdateMachineAndSid, NoObjectID
OperationFlags Flags that control the file operation. MultiDestFiles, Silent, RenameOnCollision, NoConfirmation, WantMappingHandle, AllowUndo, FilesOnly, SimpleProgress, NoConfirmMkDir, NoErrorUI, NoCopySecurityAttribs, NoRecursion, NoConnectedElements, WantNukeWarning, NoSkipJunctions, PreferHardLink, ShowElevationPrompt, EarlyFailure, PreserveFileExtensions, KeepNewerFile, NoCopyHooks, NoMinimizeBox, MoveACLsAcrossVolumes, DontDisplaySourcePath, DontDisplayDestPath, RequireElevation, AddUndoRecord, CopyAsDownload, DontDisplayLocations
ShellIconType The type of icon to be returned from ShellFileInfo.GetIcon(Vanara.Windows.Shell.ShellIconType). Large, Small, Open, ShellDefinedSize, LinkOverlay, Selected
ShellItemAttribute Attributes that can be retrieved on an item (file or folder) or set of items using Attributes. CanCopy, CanMove, CanLink, Storage, CanRename, CanDelete, HasPropSheet, DropTarget, CapabilityMask, System, Encrypted, IsSlow, Ghosted, Link, Share, ReadOnly, Hidden, DisplayAttrMask, NonEnumerated, NewContent, CanMoniker, HasStorage, Stream, StorageAncestor, Validate, Removable, Compressed, Browsable, FileSysAncestor, Folder, FileSystem, StorageCapMask, HasSubfolder, ContentsMask, PKEYMask
ShellItemComparison Used to determine how to compare two Shell items. ShellItem.Compare uses this enumerated type. Display, Canonical, SecondaryFileSystemPath, AllFields
ShellItemDisplayString Requests the form of an item's display name to retrieve through ShellItem.GetDisplayName(Vanara.Windows.Shell.ShellItemDisplayString). NormalDisplay, ParentRelativeParsing, DesktopAbsoluteParsing, ParentRelativeEditing, DesktopAbsoluteEditing, FileSysPath, Url, ParentRelativeForAddressBar, ParentRelative, ParentRelativeForUI
ShellItemGetImageOptions Options for retrieving images from a ShellItem. ResizeToFit, BiggerSizeOk, MemoryOnly, IconOnly, ThumbnailOnly, InCacheOnly, CropToSquare, WideThumbnails, IconBackground, ScaleUp
ShellItemToolTipOptions Flags that direct the handling of the item from which you're retrieving the info tip text. Default, Name, LinkNotTarget, LinkTarget, AllowDelay, SingleLine
TransferFlags Used by methods of the ITransferSource and ITransferDestination interfaces to control their file operations. Normal, FailExist, RenameExist, OverwriteExist, AllowDecryption, NoSecurity, CopyCreationTime, CopyWriteTime, UseFullAccess, DeleteRecycleIfPossible, CopyHardLink, CopyLocalizedName, MoveAsCopyDelete, SuspendShellEvents