1 Using Vanara.BITS
David Hall edited this page 2022-08-08 16:59:59 -06:00


There are two primary classes, BackgroundCopyManager and BackgroundCopyJob. You can do just about everything with these two classes. Properties and methods closely match those in the IBackgroundCopy... interfaces.

Simple file download

await BackgroundCopyManager.CopyAsync("http://contoso.com/Files/file.txt", @"C:\Temp\file.txt");

More complex use - using a job to download multiple files

using Vanara.IO;

// Create a job using a unique name
using var job = BackgroundCopyManager.Jobs.Add("Download directory");
// Create an event to signal completion
var evt = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// Set properties on the job
job.AutoCompleteOnSuccess = true;
job.Credentials.Add(BackgroundCopyJobCredentialScheme.Digest, BackgroundCopyJobCredentialTarget.Proxy, "user", "mypwd");
job.CustomHeaders = new System.Net.WebHeaderCollection() { "A1:Test", "A2:Prova" };
job.MinimumNotificationInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
// Set event handlers for job
job.Completed += (s, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Job completed."); evt.Set(); };
job.Error += (s, e) => throw job.LastError;
job.FileTransferred += (s, e) => System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{e.FileInfo.LocalFilePath} of size {e.FileInfo.BytesTransferred} bytes was transferred.");
// Add download file information
// You can optionally add files individually using job.Files.Add()
job.Files.AddRange(@"https://contoso.com/Files", @"C:\Temp\", new[] { "file.mp4", "file.exe", "file.txt" });
// Start (resume) the job.
// Wait for the completion event for an appropriate amount of time
if (!evt.WaitOne(20000))
    throw new InvalidOperationException();